By purchasing, you get instant printable instructions for the book! A link to the product opens will appear after payment is accepted, but you will also receive it in your email, where the product will be open for 30 days.
The price also includes an instructional video. The video link reads at the beginning of the help file. You need an internet connection to watch the video.
Note: This product contains instructions only, not tools.
To make this work, you need yourself:
- the desired painting base
- brushes: small round brush, small flat brush, large flat brush, about 3 cm wide brush if desired
- colors: white, light / bright yellow, light / bright red, light / bright blue (ultramarine), black. If you want to see the exact color codes for the product "Acrylic paints".
- paint palette
- water can / plastic cup
For private use only! The copyright of the work belongs to the artist who designed it and the rights of the instructions belong to Good Vibes Finland Oy. Contact the Paint & Party website if you would like to purchase more rights.
Instructions for the book: "Redstarts"
This product does not include tools. So you need yourself:
- the desired painting base
- brushes
- colors
- paint palette
- water can / plastic cupThis product is an e-guide that you will receive for yourself immediately. Therefore, there is no right to return the product. If you accidentally bought only the guide and not the equipment, we will refund the price of the guide for the purchase of the package. In that case, contact us!