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Booking inquiry, business collaboration, or something else in mind? Contact us using the form below, email or call!


ma-pe 12-18 (jos olemme tapahtumien vuoksi estyneitä vastaamaan, soitamme takaisin)

010 3488 750


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Antti-Jussi Hoivala, CUSTOMER ARTIST
(FOunder & CEO)

I am always inspired when I can produce positive experiences and inspire people. I love customer service and creativity!

Previously in my life, I have gained diverse experience in recreation and well-being. In the industry, I found that people who experienced hobbies and activities through having fun got excited and refreshed, and were more refreshed in other things as well. It’s really great to notice when that “own thing” is found, and gives you energy to cope with everyday life!

My purpose is to provide fun experiences of success, laughter, and moments of joy. We have an awesome team with our professional art directors, and I love my work!

+358 40 867 1005

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For me, the most important thing is to get to produce experiences of success - for both our customers and our team. Feeling good and experiences are the salt and sugar of life that everyone needs.


The best thing about entrepreneurship is the rhythm of your everyday life and the freedom to come up with and decide even wild ideas to implement! Reliability and quality are really important qualities in private and professional life, and I like to keep the threads in my hands for these.


My goal in working life is to act fairly and ethically in all choices, and of course to create a successful and successful business. This will make it easier to offer help to other people and start-ups. I absolutely love my work!

+358 44 550 5531


Mirva Karkinen, Studio & bar ARTIST

Kesälomalla 1.-22.8.2024.

Olen ollut mukana Paint & Partyn matkassa melkein alusta alkaen, joten yrityksen arvot ja toimintamallit ovat tulleet tutuiksi. Minulle onkin tärkeää työskennellä yhteisössä, jossa sekä tiimiläisten hyvinvointiin että asiakaskokemukseen panostetaan aidosti! 

Erityisen mahtavaa on tehdä taidetta yhdessä. Joka ikinen tapahtuma on omanlaisensa taideseikkailu, ja onkin upea etuoikeus päästä osaksi erilaisia tilaisuuksia. 

Autan mielelläni järjestämään juuri teidän ryhmällenne ikimuistoisen maalaushetken! Laita siis rohkeasti viestiä, niin jutellaan lisää.

Kuva: Aku Meriläinen

+358 44 550 5531

Contact us

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We have received it and will respond to it as soon as possible.

Note! There have been occasional disruptions to the form - if we do not respond by the next business day, please contact our Antti-Jussi (0408671005)!

Paint & Party is part of Good Vibes Finland.

Find out more about us here! 

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